Identification Information: 


            Citation Information: 

                  Title:  FIse1mGS


            Abstract:  Geophysical techniques that help identify and define large-scale marine benthic features are valuable in appraising essential habitats of marine benthic fish assemblages. Interpretations and verification of sidescan sonar, swath bathymetry, and backscatter imagery are useful tools for characterizing these habitats. Bathymetric and backscatter (sidescan) data were collected for the California Department of Fish and Game by the Seafloor Mapping Lab at California State University, Monterey Bay  using a Reson 8101 multibeam echosounder.

            Purpose:  To collect and process bathymetric and backscatter (sidescan sonar) data for marine habitat classification.

            Supplemental Information:  Data Acquisition: Bathymetric and backscatter (sidescan) data were collected aboard the R/V MacGinnite using a Reson 8101 multibeam echosounder. Differential GPS (DGPS) position data were generated by a Trimble 4700 GPS with differential corrections provided by a Trimble ProBeacon receiver. A TSS HDMS heading and motion sensor provided heave, pitch, heading, and roll data. Coastal Oceanographics Hypack software was used for survey design and execution. All raw data were logged using a Triton-Elics International (TEI) Isis data acquisition system. Water column sound velocity  profiles collected using an AML SV+ sound velocity profiler.

      Time Period of Content: 

            Time Period Information: 

                  Single Date/Time:  

                        Calendar Date:  3/31/2001

            Currentness Reference:  ground condition


            Progress:  Complete

            Maintenance and Update Frequency:  None planned

      Spatial Domain: 

            Bounding Coordinates: 

                  West Bounding Coordinate:  495313.664950754

                  East Bounding Coordinate:  180

                  North Bounding Coordinate:  90

                  South Bounding Coordinate:  4170322.98735975



                  Theme Keyword Thesaurus:  Multibeam Projects

                  Theme Keyword:  Backscatter

                  Theme Keyword:  Multibeam

                  Theme Keyword:  Bathymetry

                  Theme Keyword:  Habitat

                  Theme Keyword:  Seafloor

                  Theme Keyword:  Sidescan sonar

                  Theme Keyword:  GeoTiff

                  Theme Keyword:  Contour

                  Theme Keyword:  Slope

                  Theme Keyword:  Hydrographic

                  Theme Keyword:  Sound velocity

                  Theme Keyword:  GPS

      Access Constraints:  To be determined by the Seafloor Mapping Lab at California State University Monterey Bay and contractor.

      Use Constraints:  To be determined by the Seafloor Mapping Lab at California State University Monterey Bay and contractor.

      Point of Contact: 

            Contact Information: 

                  Contact Organization Primary: 

                        Contact Organization:  Seafloor Mapping Lab, California State University Monterey Bay

                  Contact Address: 

                        Address Type:  mailing address

                        Address:  California State University Monterey Bay, Institute for Earth Systems Science and Policy,100 Campus Center, Bldg 46A

                        City:  Seaside

                        State or Province:  California

                        Postal Code:  93955

                        Country:  USA

                  Contact Voice Telephone:  (831) 582-3529

                  Contact Facsimile Telephone:  (831) 582-3073

                  Contact Electronic Mail Address:

      Data Set Credit:  Digital data processed by Seafloor Mapping Lab at California State University Monterey Bay

Data Quality Information: 


            Process Step: 

                  Process Description:  Bathymetric data were post-processed using CARIS HIPS hydrographic data cleaning system software. Soundings were corrected for vessel motion using TSS HDMS data, variations in water column sound velocity using AML SV+ data, and adjusted to MLLW using predicted tide charts for the local region. Erroneous soundings were removed in CARIS HIPS. Geotiffs were exported from CARIS HIPS Spatial Editor with 1m resolution in sunshaded grayscale and rainbow 16 color imagery. Sun azimuth and elevation varies.

                  Process Date:  3/31/01

                  Process Contact: 

                        Contact Information: 

                              Contact Person Primary: 

                                    Contact Person:  Pat Iampietro

                                    Contact Organization:  Seafloor Mapping Lab, California State University Monterey Bay

                              Contact Position:  Project Manager, Chief Hydrographer

                              Contact Address: 

                                    Address Type:  mailing and physical address

                                    Address:  California State University Monterey Bay, Institute for Earth Systems Science and Policy,100 Campus Center, Bldg 46A

                                    City:  Seaside

                                    State or Province:  California

                                    Postal Code:  93955

                                    Country:  USA

                              Contact Voice Telephone:  (831) 582-4214

                              Contact Facsimile Telephone:  (831) 582-3073

                              Contact Electronic Mail Address:

      Cloud Cover:  0

Spatial Data Organization Information: 

Spatial Reference Information: 

      Horizontal Coordinate System Definition: 


                  Grid Coordinate System: 

                        Grid Coordinate System Name:  Universal Transverse Mercator 1983

                        Universal Transverse Mercator: 

                              UTM Zone Number:  10

                              Transverse Mercator: 

                                    Scale Factor at Central Meridian:  0.9996

                                    Longitude of Central Meridian:  -123

                                    Latitude of Projection Origin:  0

                                    False Easting:  500000

                                    False Northing:  0

                  Planar Coordinate Information: 

                        Planar Coordinate Encoding Method:  Coordinate Pair

                        Coordinate Representation: 

                              Abscissa Resolution:  0

                              Ordinate Resolution:  0

                        Planar Distance Units:  m

            Geodetic Model: 

                  Horizontal Datum Name:  WGS84

                  Ellipsoid Name:  WGS84

                  Semi-major Axis:  6378137

                  Denominator of Flattening Ratio:  298.257223563

Metadata Reference Information: 

      Metadata Date:  3/31/2001

      Metadata Review Date: 

      Metadata Future Review Date: 

      Metadata Contact: 

            Contact Information: 

                  Contact Person Primary: 

                        Contact Person:  Carrie Bretz

                        Contact Organization:  Seafloor Mapping Lab, California State University Monterey Bay

                  Contact Position:  GIS Analyst and Metadata Manager, Geology Map Series Project Manager

                  Contact Address: 

                        Address Type:  mailing and physical address

                        Address:  California State University Monterey Bay, Institute for Earth Systems Science and Policy,100 Campus Center, Bldg 46A

                        City:  Seaside

                        State or Province:  CA

                        Postal Code:  93955

                        Country:  USA

                  Contact Voice Telephone:  831-582-4197

                  Contact Facsimile Telephone:  831-582-3073

                  Contact Electronic Mail Address:

      Metadata Standard Name:  FGDC Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata

      Metadata Standard Version:  2.0

      Metadata Access Constraints:  None

      Metadata Use Constraints:  None

      Metadata Security Information: 

            Metadata Security Classification:  Unclassified