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National Sea Grant College Program

Fisheries Habitat Characterization of the California Continental Margin: Identification, Quantification, and Synthesis of Existing Information

National Sea Grant College Program Collaborative Project
#R/F-181A .PI- Dr. Gary Greene, Moss Landing Marine Laboratories.
#R/F-181B .PI- Dr. Rikk Kvitek, Sea Floor Mapping Lab, CSU Monterey Bay

This joint collaborative project between the Sea Floor Mapping Lab at California State University Monterey Bay (#R/F-181B) and the Center for Habitat Studies at Moss Landing Marine Labs (#R/F-181A) constitutes the initial stages of building both a database and a series of habitat maps that can be used to plan and implement effective Essential Fish Habitat programs for California. Managers and fishery scientists can now identify data voids and more capably define areas for future studies.

Distribution: Data from this project are available to the public at the cost of CD-ROM reproduction. Contact the Center for Habitat Studies to request CD sets. (831) 771-4419, or Gary Greene, CHS Director, at greene@mlml.calstate.edu.

Map Services published in-
Coordinates: UTM, Zone-varies
Datum: WGS 1984
Bathymetric reference: MLLW

Internet Map Server- Map Services




Northern California Region A

Mackerricher State Reserve


Point Cabrillo

Bodega Basin

Northern California Region B

Punta Arena Basin f


Eel River Basin f


Central California Region A

Point Conception - Point Arguello f


Region South of Point Conception f


Point Arguello - Santa Maria River f


Central California Region B

Point Lobos

Monterey Peninsula

Outer Santa Cruz Basin f


Farallon Islands

Southern California Region A

Santa Barbara Island

Catalina Island


La Jolla

Southern California Region B

Santa Monica West

Santa Monica East

Santa Monica USGS

f = Industry Data Holdings
# HTML versions: Symbology (color attribute) for Habitat interpretation layers is currently SITE specific. A design library will be applied to all sites to make a common symbology that is HABITAT TYPE specific overall sites.
For a copy of the #R/F-181A Final Report, please contact the Center for Habitat Studies, (831) 771-4419.

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